1. Yoga Is Union
Sadhguru: When you say the word "Yoga," most people in the west picture physically impossible poses. This concept of yoga is incredibly twisted. Yoga does not include holding your breath or bending and twisting your body. It is a technology and a technique to help you reach the mental state where you can see reality as it really is.
2. Yoga literally translates as "unity."
You have a very strong concept, sense, and experience of who you are as you sit here. You are an individual present here. The trees are currently exhaling, and you are currently inhaling what they are exhaling. In other words, a portion of your lung is exposed. This goes beyond only the breath. As you read this, contemporary physics is demonstrating to you how every subatomic particle in your body is interacting constantly with everything else in the universe. You won't exist if this transaction ends. Yoga is the practice of experiencing the oneness of existence.
You are being shown by modern science that all of existence is made up of a single energy. God is supposedly present everywhere, according to the world's religions. We are discussing the same reality whether you say "God is everywhere" or "Everything is one energy." A religious person has not experienced this, but he believes it because it is written somewhere or has been uttered by someone; a scientist, on the other hand, has never experienced this and has come to it by mathematical calculations.
Yogis are people who refuse to accept explanations or belief systems because they are so stubborn. We say you are practicing yoga when you are aware of the oneness of existence in the same way that you are aware of your five fingers.
3. Yoga represents a complete path unto itself.
Moving toward an experiential reality where one is aware of the true essence of existence and how it was created is what yoga entails. In essence, according to the tradition, everything that has the name "Yoga" attached to it denotes that it is a full path in and of itself. We will use the term "Hatha Yoga" but not "Asana Yoga."
You could take one method if it were merely a drill or exercise. It might be addressed differently if it were an artistic medium or purely for entertainment. Nowadays, individuals refer to it as "Recreational Yoga," "Health Yoga," or as an artistic genre. By referring to yoga as an art form, they believe they are helping the practice. No. When you add the term "Yoga," it denotes that it is a full path in and of itself.
4. Yoga Is a Way to End the Cycle of Life
The universe's physical reality is cyclical in all respects. The solar system moves, planets orbit the sun, and the cosmos and galaxy as a whole are cyclical. You become more cyclical the more you identify with your bodily system. Your experiences and life's cycle are both circulars. Even the challenges you confront in life follow cycles if you look closely enough.
If you are traveling around in a circle, it only gives you the appearance that you are moving forward but you are actually just repeating the same motions. Yoga entails widening the circle and stretching it out into a straight line so that if you follow the line, you will arrive at your destination rather of continuing in circles. It's possible that many of you have already tried it and noticed. Let's assume that you have been practicing sadhana for a while. Simply pausing your sadhana for three months can cause a number of compulsions that you had no idea existed and had been absent for a considerable amount of time to reappear.
If you stop the sadhana, these compulsions will return right away since nature won't let you go so easily. If you don't put in a lot of effort, you should just be content doing the circle. Everything is real if you are not conscious or if your field of view is too narrow and you can only see three feet in front of you. When you look around and see the entire circle and the direction you are moving, it resembles a circus. You will undoubtedly want to take action because you do not want it to last forever.
5. Freeing Yourself from Memory Through Yoga
Because the system has a variety of memories, obsessive cycles can occur repeatedly. There is a tremendous amount of memory, including genetic, evolutionary, elemental, atomic, karmic, inarticulate, and articulate memory. Your body wouldn't even take on a physical form if this memory weren't present. There are billions of people on the earth, but they all have these features: two hands, two legs, and two eyes. Your body understood it had to assume this form while you were still within your mother's womb. We are unsure of the shape it would have taken if the memory had not existed.
Only because of memory have you been able to maintain your physical shape in this way. Memory always refers to the past. When you watch a movie, what happens is bigger and more real than the real. Because it is so overblown, it becomes bigger than reality. But this is all simply a reenactment of recollection. It may be captured on film, in digital form, or in another manner, but it is only a memory because it has already happened. If the only thing defining who you are at this moment is the information you have stored in your memory, you are passed if that is the case. Real life does not exist; memory plays are all that exist.
Even your ideas, feelings, and urges to like or detest things or to love or dislike certain people are all based on memories. The time has passed. You still have the memory of someone you loved yesterday. You still remember how you felt about someone yesterday. If you try to live what has passed, what is will pass you by.
Yoga involves releasing oneself from the knowledge that makes you who you are right now. Your thoughts, feelings, and life experiences shouldn't be influenced by the factors that define your skin color and body shape. If your current situation is not determined by that information, you are going into yoga.
The purpose of the everyday morning sadhana is only to gradually separate oneself from that knowledge. You don't need to misplace it. You will repeat your previous stupid actions if you lose sight of it. You should never forget, especially if your life has been particularly awful. This has less to do with forgetfulness and more with carrying it.
You have memory sticks today. You will lose your mind if it is constantly playing and hooked in. However, if you put it in your pocket or plug it in your computer whenever you want, that's OK; there will be no issues. Although memory is still present, it is not compelled to work through you. You can intentionally activate it when you wish to; otherwise, you can set it away and it will remain inactive. Memory is not a problem once that freedom has been achieved. However, memory is a concern right now because it keeps acting up. Who you are today is determined by your preferences from yesterday. You won't be able to understand what is happening right now or have any sort of perspective on life.
6 Yoga is a Transformational Technology
In essence, whatever a human being is capable of doing is a manifestation of who they are. A song is sung, a dance is performed, a book is written, and a painting is created. Whether you're aware of it or not, everything you say and does fundamentally reflects who you are.
Yoga is completely the reverse of this because it focuses on changing the very foundations of one's life rather than on expressing who they are. The practice of various yoga systems can alter the very principles of your brain's functioning, your chemistry, and even your genetic makeup, according to a growing body of medical and scientific research. We have always seen this, so there is no need for confirmation, but today there is scientific evidence to support this.
You could feel a little bit changed if you use an activity to express yourself fully. Some metamorphosis may occur if you put all of your heart into your cooking, singing, or dancing. That is simply a specific effect that results from complete involvement in a certain activity, but in essence, that activity is by its very nature an expression of who you are rather than defining who you are. However, yoga is a technique that allows you to change the contour of who you are, both physically and figuratively.
3 False Ideas About Yoga
First, yoga is a philosophy.
Nowadays, everyone constantly presents their own ideas, beliefs, and ideologies. Because people are too preoccupied with their own logic and intellect, no one wants to see life as it is. You believe that the entire cosmos has erupted from your brains, which is why you have conceptions about it. We are like particles of dust here; you and I are so tiny. Nothing will change even if we vanish right now. In three days, a handful of those close to us will grieve and forget about us. Everything will work out just fine.
We must recognize that who we are is a situation, not an idea. Who in the devil are you to even consider formulating a theory about this universe? You are a tiny, insignificant particle. It's wonderful if you can make sense of this.
There are just techniques to improve your perception throughout the entire system of yoga; there are no notions, philosophies, ideologies, or belief systems. Only what you perceive is true; everything else is an invention of your mind.
#2 Postures Are Everything in Yoga
Asanas are generally what modern yoga is to the majority of individuals worldwide. Only a small portion of yoga preparation involves asanas. Yoga is a way of being, not a technique, a specific movement, or a position. A person is doing yoga when they start to perceive everything as a component of themselves. Intellectually, whatever we say about it will at most pique your interest in learning more about it or motivate you to follow the yoga path. Yoga is impossible to describe in words, but if someone is open to it, they can certainly experience it.
Third, Yoga Is a Fitness Activity
Yoga may draw people at first since it has many health advantages and can help them reduce stress. There are unquestionably both physical and mental advantages. It is possible to undergo remarkably positive changes in terms of peace, joy, and health. And many people have miraculously recovered from their long-term illnesses. But that is not what yoga is fundamental. Yoga's main goal is to expand and encompass your life experience to the point where you stop being an individual and start to function as a universal process. You'll see that it produces amazing outcomes.
It was explained how to match this human system with cosmic geometry when the physical components of yoga were initially introduced. All friction is eliminated if you get it exactly positioned. Internal conflict indicates that you are at odds with yourself and a problem in your own right. What other problem can you address when you are a problem all by yourself? There is stress everywhere. The difficulties will keep growing as you engage in more worldly endeavors. Because of this, your body, mind, emotions, and energy should be a resource for you rather than a hindrance.
If these four are in harmony, suddenly this body and this mind are capable of things you never even dreamed were conceivable. You'll be perceived as superhuman by others. You will perform your tasks with a particular level of effectiveness and expertise, whether related to work, the home, love, or war. This is due to the fact that you discovered the geometry of existence in a very fundamental sense, whether consciously or unconsciously.
If you want to learn yoga, then join a yoga online course to start yoga daily in your life without going to anywhere.