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8 Effective Yoga Asanas To Control Asthma

Writer's picture: LearnYogaLearnYoga

Despite innumerable medical advances we’ve made in the last few decades, asthma - its causes and cures - still remains a mystery. Asthma, which affects the lungs by constricting the airways and making it harder for the person to breathe, is a by-product of many factors, some physiological and others because of environmental conditions. In simple terms, asthma is a very strong response of the body’s immune system to fight the infiltration of substances in the lungs. Although there is no cure for asthma, leading a healthy lifestyle is credited to alleviating the problem to a point where the symptoms are almost negligible - and practising yoga asanas for asthma is observed to be especially helpful.

Yoga helps in strengthening the lungs as it focuses on not only holding the asana but breathing through the same, allowing the respiratory system to work while the body is in unnatural poses. This in turn strengthens it. Practising yoga asanas for asthma has helped control asthma effectively and in some cases, asanas are used for preventing asthma attacks altogether.

Here are a few yoga asanas for asthma that are very beneficial in controlling and managing asthma.

1. Sukasana Pose (Easy Pose)

Sukhasana, the easy cross-legged sitting posture, broadens the collarbones and chest. It focuses entirely on breathing control and is, in fact, a great workout for the lungs. It uses the abdominal breathing technique which is the foundation of all yoga asanas.

Tip: Sukasana also helps in relaxing the mind and controlling stress, which is also a trigger for asthma.

2. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique)

Even a few minutes of practising this yoga asana for asthma patients is helpful. It involves inhaling from one nostril and exhaling through the other and repeating the exercise by changing the sides. It is credited with purifying the blood of toxins, regulating oxygen supply.

Tip: It is advisable to complete 9 rounds of breathing alternatively through each nostril. This pranayama can be performed multiple times in a day.

3. Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana or the staff pose looks simple but is effective in alleviating the symptoms of asthma. This pose helps by stretching the chest, strengthening the core and muscles of the back. Breathing in this pose is challenging which thereby helps strengthen the lung muscles.

Tip: One way to ensure your back remains upright is by taking support against the wall.

4. Upavistha Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Pose)

This pose requires hinging from the hip with the legs wide open thereby lengthening the upper body while completely stretching the chest and back. Breathing while holding this asana helps in improving lung functioning.

Tip: This asana gives the best results when performed on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

5. Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose)

This asana essentially stretches the muscles of the hamstring and the abdomen and requires bending from the hip. At this point your body switches from sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, helping you relax. It also helps open up lungs and helps in alleviating the symptoms of asthma.

Tip: It is advisable to hold this position for at least five deep breaths before coming back to the normal position.

To discover the best exercise for yourself for asthma try out different online yoga program and yoga courses. Some concentrate more on exercises that build muscle. Some progress more quickly than others, and vice versa. "The most crucial thing is to start and maintain a regular yoga practice. When you do, you'll discover that you'll keep up the practice and enjoy the long-term advantages."

6. Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)

Although this pose works on the deepest part of the hips the most, the asana requires the back to be stretched and the chest forward and expanded. This in turn helps in breathing. It is advisable to stay in this asana for 6 to 8 breaths with inhalations.

Tip: For making the position more comfortable, especially if you are a beginner, use blocks under your thighs or knees.

7. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

This is a backward bend asana that gives a deep stretch in the neck, the throat, the chest and the lungs. In the final bridge pose, hold this position for a few breaths. During inhalation, let the chest open up and fill the stomach with air. The stomach shrinks and the chest contracts during exhalation.

8. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana or the Cobra pose is great for relieving lower back pain, boosting energy and overall mood. It is one of the best yoga asanas for asthma patients as it provides a good opening in the chest and throat and facilitates easy breathing.

Tip: Avoid straining your back by finding a height you can work with comfortably.

If you are interested to do yoga or meditation then enroll in online yoga sessions that suits your needs and start your learning now at home without going to anywhere.

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Exercise Tips for Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being. Yoga is a system of exercises that can help to improve flexibility, strength, and coordination. Yoga can also help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Join Online Yoga Course to learn yoga at home.

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